[reboot] Ghostbusters (SOS Fantômes) Paul Feig - 2016 - avis p.7 et +

Science-Fiction, Horreur, Epouvante, Merveilleux, Heroic Fantasy et tout le toutim du Fantastique !

Modérateurs : Karen, savoy1, DeVilDead Team

Messages : 567
Inscription : sam. sept. 27, 2014 11:37 am

Re: [reboot] Ghostbusters (SOS Fantomes) - Paul Feig (2015)

Message par Ikarus » jeu. mars 03, 2016 4:31 pm

La bande annonce est sortie:

Je n'aime pas le remix techno du générique culte, je ne voit aucune synergie de groupe, un humour qui ne fonctionne pas sur moi, deux couleurs de fantômes (bleu ou vert) répété ad vitam æternam et de design peut inspiré. Une invasion lambda annoncé. Au moins il y a slimer.

Les cartons texte laissent le doute sur ce reboot qui pourrait être devenu une suite.

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Re: [reboot] Ghostbusters (SOS Fantomes) - Paul Feig (2015)

Message par Drac » jeu. mars 03, 2016 5:25 pm

le deuxième n'était pas drôle du tout, c'est même une purge pour moi. Difficile de dire au vue de cette BA si le public va répondre présent, mais quand on voit le carton de Jurassic World, faut s'attendre à tout.

Messages : 567
Inscription : sam. sept. 27, 2014 11:37 am

Re: [reboot] Ghostbusters (SOS Fantomes) - Paul Feig (2015)

Message par Ikarus » jeu. mars 03, 2016 5:42 pm

Le second se voulait plus sérieux que le premier, ici il semblerait on tombe dans le grand guignolesque.

J'ai l'impression que Pixel va rester le meilleur ersatz de Ghostbusters à mes yeux.

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Inscription : ven. avr. 30, 2004 10:21 pm
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Re: [reboot] Ghostbusters (SOS Fantomes) - Paul Feig (2015)

Message par orco » jeu. mars 03, 2016 6:00 pm

Je ne saisis toujours pas quel est le public visé par ce truc, quelque chose me dit que ça va être un four... après, on peut avoir des surprises et ça peut être bien quand même. :D

Fatalis rex
Messages : 7723
Inscription : ven. avr. 30, 2004 10:19 am

Re: [reboot] Ghostbusters (SOS Fantomes) - Paul Feig (2015)

Message par Fatalis rex » jeu. mars 03, 2016 6:08 pm

On dirait qu'on parle de Citizen Kane :D C'est Ghostbusters, hein... Ça a l'air dans le même esprit "bande de potes" que le premier film, alors pourquoi pas.

Messages : 567
Inscription : sam. sept. 27, 2014 11:37 am

Re: [reboot] Ghostbusters (SOS Fantomes) - Paul Feig (2015)

Message par Ikarus » jeu. mars 03, 2016 6:16 pm

Sauf que la bande pote semble ici totalement artificielle.

Winston Z.

Re: [reboot] Ghostbusters (SOS Fantomes) - Paul Feig (2015)

Message par Winston Z. » jeu. mars 03, 2016 9:55 pm

J'aime beaucoup cette bande-annonce, on retrouve tous les éléments emblématiques de Ghostbusters, un spectre tête et tronc vaporeux, un quartier général original, un hôtel hanté, bouffe-tout, du slime, les packs à proton et New York transformé en aimant à fantômes. Que du bonheur, j'ai super hâte d'y être. :-D :-D :-D

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Inscription : jeu. avr. 23, 2009 3:09 pm

Re: [reboot] Ghostbusters (SOS Fantomes) - Paul Feig (2015)

Message par Automnes » ven. mars 04, 2016 12:00 pm

Déjà plus d'avis négatifs que positifs sur la toile, ça ne m'étonnerait pas que le métrage connaisse le même genre de succès que "Fant4stic" :mrgreen:

En ce qui me concerne ça m'a tout l'air d'un reboot sans intérêt; un copié-collé de l'original tant les scènes et les personnages semblent n'être que des copiés-collés des originaux, version féminine...et moins drôles.

Non je dis pas ça parce que je suis misogyne, dites ça plutôt du réalisateur de ce film; deux faciales de slime dans une B.A de 5 mn, pas vraiment ce que j'appelle du féminisme :lol:

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DeVilDead Team
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Inscription : ven. avr. 30, 2004 9:09 am
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Re: [reboot] Ghostbusters (SOS Fantomes) - Paul Feig (2015)

Message par Superwonderscope » ven. mars 04, 2016 1:04 pm

de toute façon, la nouvelle version va fatalement aliéner les fans de l'ancienne version de manière majoritaire. Maintenant, ce n'est visiblement pas ce type de public que vise Sony avec cette nouvelle version. Le but est de créer une franchise, voire plus, en s'établissant sur un nom connu par tous/toutes. En s'alliant à des actrices déjà reconnues par le public international via Bridesmaids, mais surtout un quatuor d'actrices hyper connues aux USA via Saturday Night Live. A mon sens, cela assis déjà bien le succès du film en amont. La campagne marketing a bien établi ceci (et le casting déjà sur le plateau du talk show le plus regardé aux USA, Ellen).
Les personnes qui indiquent boycotter le film pour des raisons plus ou moins diverses... le producteur/distributeur s'en tape. ils ne sont pas majoritaires et ce ne sont pas eux qui vont se déplacer et payer leur ticket. Mais ça parle du film, et beaucoup, alors que personne ne l'a vu! .
Ce qui intéresse, c'est de faire venir les autres, ceux qui -entre autres - sont (justement) allés voir Bridesmaids et les autres films mainstream avec Melissa McCarthy ou Kristen Wiig. Et de viser un public plus jeune, qui ne connait pas forcément le film-ancêtre et leurs protagonistes (dont ils se contrefoutent). Preuve en est, LE trending topic cinéma sur les réseaux sociaux... c'est Ghostbusters. Batman Vs Superman génère 5 fois moins de flux sur twitter, par exemple, alors que les campagnes virales de Ghostbusters ont à peine commencé.

Sinon :

Oh really? Well then I'm sure you wouldn't mind giving us a detailed account of exactly how you concocted this miracle glue, would you ?

comte vonkrolock
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Re: [reboot] Ghostbusters (SOS Fantomes) - Paul Feig (2015)

Message par comte vonkrolock » ven. mars 04, 2016 5:52 pm

orco a écrit :Je ne saisis toujours pas quel est le public visé par ce truc, quelque chose me dit que ça va être un four... après, on peut avoir des surprises et ça peut être bien quand même. :D
Ce genre de public je crois bien....

La question N° 1 reste est se que se sera supérieur au SOS Fantômes II de Ivan Reitman qui s'était un peut planté sur le rythme et le ton donné par rapport au premier :mrgreen:

Pour moi s'est clair, je jette l'éponge.... )8
Toi t'est un flic..? Non j'uis un con. :D
Snake Plisken Escape from NY

Winston Z.

Re: [reboot] Ghostbusters (SOS Fantomes) - Paul Feig (2015)

Message par Winston Z. » ven. mars 04, 2016 7:59 pm

Est-ce que quelqu'un d'autre a remarqué dans la bande-annonce (à 1:37)...
Spoiler : :
Le plan de Broadway qui sous une espèce de vague ectoplasmique se transforme en broadway des années 70 ? On voit apparaître l'affiche de Taxi Driver à gauche et celles de Tommy et Isle of the Snake Peolple (avec Boris Karloff) à droite.

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DeVilDead Team
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Re: [reboot] Ghostbusters (SOS Fantomes) - Paul Feig (2015)

Message par MadXav » ven. mars 04, 2016 9:00 pm

Je viens de voir la B-A avec mes gosses. Ils n'ont pas envie de voir le film, ça ne les fait pas rire et ils détestent la musique. Moi aussi. En pire.
Dessin et sketching liés au cinéma, au voyage, etc. :

Messages : 567
Inscription : sam. sept. 27, 2014 11:37 am

Re: [reboot] Ghostbusters (SOS Fantomes) - Paul Feig (2015)

Message par Ikarus » ven. mars 04, 2016 10:23 pm

La vérité sort de la bouche des enfants.

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Inscription : jeu. avr. 23, 2009 3:09 pm

Re: [reboot] Ghostbusters (SOS Fantomes) - Paul Feig (2015)

Message par Automnes » dim. mars 06, 2016 9:50 pm

Un anonyme, qui bosserait chez sony et aurait déjà vu le film en pre prod, n'en dit pas grand bien :
I work in post production and saw an early version of the movie, about 70% of the special effects are finished in the version I saw. I am an old ghostbusters fan (As a kid in the 80s I thought Gozer was in my basement and it scared the hell out of me) I didn't know much about the NEW movie before watching it and I was totally for a new female cast. SPOILERS AHEAD: There are cameos and I'll get to those after the summary. Here goes:

Movie opens with a tour of deceased Madame Aldridge's (mansion or hotel I cant recall). One of the guys from Silicon Valley is a tour guide, and says she was locked in a basement to die behind an iron/metal door thats never been opened supposedly. After a few jokes and the tour leaves the tour guide hears something at the locked up door. He freaks and runs around the mansion as supernatural things start happening and accidentally goes through locked door which is now open (he didnt notice where he was going as he was running around frantically). He realizes he's in the basement and is cornered by something and screams as the camera gets closer to him.

Scene then cuts to the ghostbusters song with Kristin Wiig walking towards a TV with a show called GHOST JUMPERS that no one in the movie is involved with. Kristen Wiig is a college professor in math or physics or both? Shes trying to get tenure. Melissa McCarthy is writing a Ghosts of our Past book and keeps trying to ruin Wiig's chances at tenure by selling the book on Amazon with her as co-author and being a shitty friend in general. They show the book on Amazon on a computer (incase you don't know what Amazon is and you are stupid) She meets up with McCarthy to get her to stop putting her name on the book and McCarthy is obsessed with chinese food, specifically wontons. Mckinnon is also a scientist with McCarthy and they convince her to go to the Albridge mansion to investigate together. They go in there and the whole ghost puking scene happens. They record the video and Wiig screams ghosts are real!! Back at her school the actor from Game of Thrones (Tywin Lannister) says the video was posted on Reddit, and youtube. Thus cementing the trend of this movie trying to be "current". They look at the youtube comments, check their phones and youtube multiple times through the movie etc. Wiig is fired and loses her chances at tenure becaause McCarthy is a shitty friend and left her screaming ghosts are real in the video she uploaded to reddit.

I'm going to summarize more going forward here to address points that relate to the main plot... Leslie Jones is a subway station worker and some hotel worker guy is brings a machine in to channel or awaken old ghosts. She sees ghosts and ends up joining the ghostbusters for her street smarts. She also sees a graffiti artist spray paint the white ghost from the logo in the subway as shes telling him to stop he puts the red circle and line through the ghost.

At this point nothing about the old ghostbusters being around or alive is referenced. They stumble upon the old GB firehouse cant afford the rent cause its 21K/month so they start their HQ at a chinese restaurant, plenty of wontons for McCarthy!! Chris Hemsworth applies as the secretary and he's a moron but a little funny at times.

They bust their first ghost at a cheesy rock concert, a large green dragon the audience think is part of the band's act. Jones is chased by a possessed mannekin saying "This is more intense than an usher concert!" One of the concert goers has a selfie stick (please kill yourself now) and takes a picture of the dragon-ghost as it is perched on Leslie Jones shoulder in the crowd. They crowd surf at one point. They capture the ghost and become famous. They get their name from a new segment pegging them as the Ghostbusters (without referencing anything that happened in the past with the old ghostbusters)

They get the ghostbusters car from Jone's relative or dad or something, nothing special happens with the car really.

The hotel guy with the machine that Jone's encountered in the subway, meanwhile is channeling more ghosts in shitty mirrors. The girl ghostbusters (Ill call them GGB's going forward). corner him and say cops are the way. He's a nut and wants control of supernatural power or something, instead of activating the huge machine he grabs these electric currents and dies. The mayor (Andy Garcia) finds out and makes it out to the public like the GGB's are hoaxers.

The hotel guy who died is now a ghost and possesses McCarthy, then Hemsworth after Jones slaps the ghost out of McCarthy. Hemsworth then travels to the ghost channeling machine to release them all. He releases them all and theres a few shots of the supernatural streams spreading around the city.

Wiig discovers the hotel guy went to school or something with them since the Ghosts of Our Past book he scribbled in a ton of weird shit in the pages of one of the copies. Hemsworth is controlling the city with his ghost powers (he makes the army dance with him). The GGB's face off against him and the ghost leaves Hemsworth body sparing him. He then asks "WHAT FORM DO YOU CHOOSE?" with really no explanation. And Jones says out loud "Oh I think that spray painted ghost from the subway was cute!" and he turns into the Ghost from the ghostbusters logo, I AM SHITTING YOU NOT ITS THAT STUPID. He gets bigger and expands as large as a tall building. Saying cheesy lines like "Im gonna go kill all the humans now bye!"

Slimer and a female slimer with brown hair steal the GGB's car and drive around.

The GGB's decide to cross the streams, it doesnt work, but creates a portal on the ground. McCarthy and then Wiig decide to lure the big stupid ghost into the portal before it closes taking themselves inside and they think a tow cable from a fire truck tied around their waists will save them (everyone in this movie is stupid with stupid ideas...) Of course this works, the big ghosts goes in and the portal closes with Wiig and McCarthy going in. Then all the sudden they are yanked out! Wow! The city is saved. They are still branded as hoaxers though. But they can now afford rent at the old GB firehouse and Jones listens to a electro magnet-whatever tape and says (With terrible line delivery) "I think I hear something.. my name is Zuul?" Cue the old ghostbusters song, The End.

Thats the summary of the plot. Here's a few more things I didn't like (I liked very little of this movie)

The cameos of the old cast: They appear to be random strangers they ran into throughout the movie and are out of character thus probably confirming they are not their old characters who have moved on with other jobs. Nothing explaining regarding what happened to the old GB's or their opinions on the new GGB's

Bill Murray = a Skeptic. His lines arent good and he's kinda stiff "WHY ARE YOU PRETENDING TO CATCH GHOSTS??!! THATA GIRL!!!" he gets killed when pushed out a window by the rock concert dragon ghost. He convinced the GGB's to let it out as proof in their tiny chinese restaurant HQ. (Did I mention everyone is stupid in this movie?)

Dan Aykroyd = Cab driver who refuses to drive them when NYC is in havoc "I aint 'fraid of no ghosts" he says in a hard NY accent. This scene was alright.

Annie Potts = Now a hotel lobby clerk answering the phone WHATTAYA WANT??

Sigourney Weaver = A mentor of McKinnon who is disappointed but approves of McKinnon's work at the end of the movie

Ernie Hudson?? = Not sure if he was in this movie, haven't seen what he looks like now that he's older

Harold Ramis = ROLLING IN HIS GRAVE (he's not in the movie obviously but I'm positive he would see this movie as a disgrace)

End cameos.

There are constant references to youtube, amazon, and one to reddit (Im sorry). McCarthy loves wontons, Jones is kinda funny but definitely just sassy funny stereotyped. McKinnon is gross funny (cue fart noise, "that came from the front". Wiig is just bland hopefule scientist trying to make sense of her life and wants to bang Hemsworth. Hemsworth was the funniest just being an idiot the whole time but saying he's hilarious would be an overstatement. Everyone just seems really dumb in this movie along with the plot and no explanation on why the hotel guy said "CHOOSE YOUR FORM". Is there a connection to Gozer? gatekeepers? keymasters? They don't talk about any of that.

The ghosts do look neon bright (although not all of them were finished in this version), there is no grit, IT IS LIKE BAD SNL COMEDY with a bad cast that tries WAY too hard to be funny. There's more ghost puking with McCarthy projectile vomiting while possessed. The Ecto 2 is a motorcycle that does nothing. The music is generic and unmemorable. It isn't shot well either, lacks flow and seems pretty damn awkward.

Couple of nostalgic things i kinda liked:

When Bill Murray is a skeptic on the news it shows the old building Sigourney Weaver lived in, in the background. Slimer first appears coming out of a hotdog stand. Some of the buildings, their facades fall and break like in the old movie. Thats about it???

If you watch Angry Joe's review of the Trailer he is spot on. The jokes are very lame and this movie is a complete joke. There's really nothing serious happening and nothing is scary. The dialogue is horrible, cheesy, and loaded with slapstick and side comments that ruin any tension in the film. I wanted this movie to be good cause I'm a big GB fan, but this is a fiasco. The GGB's literally were saved by a firetruck tow cable. I can't believe the old cast agreed to cameos in this movie.

It is ghost vomit. Any other questions about the movie I'll answer since I haven't included everything I remembered from the film.
Source : https://www.reddit.com/r/ghostbusters/c ... /?sort=new

A vérifier à la sortie du film, il donne assez de détails pour vérifier ses dires.

Pour les anglophobes, en gros il dit que c'est de la pure daube :mrgreen:

Messages : 567
Inscription : sam. sept. 27, 2014 11:37 am

Re: [reboot] Ghostbusters (SOS Fantomes) - Paul Feig (2015)

Message par Ikarus » mer. mars 09, 2016 2:01 pm

Pleins d'image inédite dans ce trailer exclusif donnant plus de place au principal acteur masculin du film.

http://spinoff.comicbookresources.com/2 ... hemsworth/

Certaines de ces scènes concordent avec la description faites au dessus (scène du concert).
