Ougon no Hou: El Cantare no Rekishikan (2003) - Imakake Isamu

Science-Fiction, Horreur, Epouvante, Merveilleux, Heroic Fantasy et tout le toutim du Fantastique !

Modérateurs : Karen, savoy1, DeVilDead Team

Messages : 4628
Inscription : sam. sept. 27, 2008 4:09 pm
Localisation : Tokyo dans les annees 70s, baby! Yeah!

Ougon no Hou: El Cantare no Rekishikan (2003) - Imakake Isamu

Message par bluesoul » ven. oct. 26, 2018 5:04 am

[The Golden Law: El Cantare's View of History, a.k.a. The Golden Law ]

Apres etre tombe (par hasard--sisi! :D ) sur Uchuu no Hou, bibi a un peu recherche sur Wiki en japonais et a identifie plusieurs tentatives ulterieures de la secte Koufuku no Kagaku (Science of Happiness, a.k.a. Happy Science) de proselyter par truchement de l'animation.


La vision de "El Cantare" (voir ci-dessous) de l'Histoire avec un grand "H" risque d'etre plutot rock'n'roll vu que, d'apres Wiki:
Happy Science was founded on 6 October 1986 and was certified in Japan as a religious organization on March 7, 1991. According to Ryuho Okawa, its aim is "to bring happiness to humanity by spreading the Truth". Before its foundation, Ryuho Okawa published various books of "spiritual messages" that claim to channel the words spoken by religious and historical figures such as Jesus Christ, Confucius and Nichiren. In 1987, The Laws of the Sun, The Golden Laws, and The Laws of Eternity were published, forming the core textbooks of Happy Science, along with the fundamental sutra The Dharma of the Right Mind. In 1986, he resigned from a position at a trading corporation to found his own religion.
Attendez, 'y encore mieux. :roll:
Happy Science worships a deity named "El Cantare" who they believe is the "Highest God of Earth, the Lord of all gods" which is synonymous with Allah, the Father of Jesus, and was first born on Earth as Alpha 330 million years ago where Africa would be today, Elohim, Odin, Thoth, Ophealis(Osiris) Hermes and then Shakyamuni Buddha, and is said to be the core consciousness of Okawa himself (Note perso: on n'est jamais mieux servi que par soi-meme. :lol: ).
'Bref, du lourd.
En direct du Japon. Bonsoir. A vous, Cognac-Jay.
