TOKYO ELEGY (ex SHABONDAMA ELEGY) - Ian Kerkhof (1999)

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TOKYO ELEGY (ex SHABONDAMA ELEGY) - Ian Kerkhof (1999)

Message par Kerozene » mar. mai 04, 2004 1:14 pm

Le film SHABONDAMA ELEGY sort en DVD sous le titre de TOKYO ELEGY chez Eclectic DVD.

Le film, réalisé par Ian Kerkhof (auteur des traumatisants DEAD MAN 2 et TEN MONOLOGUES FROM THE LIVES OF THE SERIAL KILLERS) raconte l'histoire d'amour impossible entre un fugitif et une jeune fille aux moeurs décalé incarnée par Mai Hoshino - super star du porno nippon.

Le film dénonce, à travers son histoire, les conditions déplorables avec lesquelles les femmes sont traitées dans le milieu du porno japonais. Au delà de ça, c'est une tragique histoire d'amour, forte et brutale, que je ne saurais que vous conseiller.

Le film a été projeté à l'Etrange Festival en 2002 (m_pest n'a pas aimé, mais on s'en fout) et au LUFF 2003.

Pour les plus cochons d'entre vous, sachez que oui, le film contient des plans hard.

Résumé sur le site de Unrated Magazine :

Controversial underground film director Ian Kerkhof’s TOKYO ELEGY (aka SHABONDAMA ELEGY) receives it’s first US release from Eclectic DVD on June 15th.
The story features Jack (Thom Hoffman)who betrays his gangland partners and escapes from the police in Tokyo. Now with a price on his life, he decides to hide himself with Keiko (Mai Hoshimo), a prom queen who has been sexually abused by her father. Jack takes refuge in her flat and soon they fall in love. Jack is unable to leave her apartment because he quickly learns that both the police and the yakuza are on his tail. He grows distraught and despondent, spending hour upon hour alone as Keiko works long hours on the set. At one point, Keiko visits the yakuza don who placed the hit on Jack and agrees to hand him over in exchange for a pile of cash. But she has one stipulation: that she get to spend three days with her soon-to-be deceased lover. The boss agrees only if she engages in kinky sex with him. The deal seems set until unforeseen events occur.
